Prema Jyothi - March 2024
Newsletter of the Sacred Earth Community
Be in the Now – The power of the present moment
If we observe closely our experience, we find there are not moments, just this moment. Life is always now. Our entire life unfolds in this constant now. Past and future moments only exist when we remember or anticipate them in the present moment. Everything is subject to time, yet it all happens in the Now. That is the paradox.
When we get caught in the challenges of life and allow it to dictate our happiness, we miss the deeper perfection is inherent in life itself, a perfection that is always, already here, and lies beyond what is happening in our lives. We are, in this very moment, an expression of incredible creative intelligence. If we pause and pay attention to how we are, we find that we are simply arising in the here and now - effortlessly so. There are infinite variables balanced in perfect harmony for us to be expressing and experiencing ourselves just the way we are. This is pure Love, eternal and unconditional. We are that miracle.
When we focus on the present moment it becomes a doorway into the formless, the consciousness that is our true nature. The separation between the world and God dissolves. If we resist the present moment, we are at the mercy of what happens, and the world will determine our happiness and unhappiness. When we get caught up in the challenges of life and allow it to dictate our happiness, we miss the deeper perfection that is inherent in life itself, a perfection that is always already here, and lies beyond the day to day happenings in our lives. When the basis of our actions is inner alignment with the present moment our actions become empowered by the intelligence of life itself.
Be in the Now and find the perfection that is deeper than any form and untouched by time. The most important, the primordial relationship in our lives is our relationship with the now. This can be experienced through acceptance of how it is, how it appears in each moment. We can determine what kind of relationship we want to have with the present moment. Is the present moment a friend or enemy? If we make it a friend and welcome it no matter the guise in which it appears, we will soon see dramatic results. This decision can change our entire reality.
- Savitri
What is Time?
Time is the surface layer of reality, the horizontal dimension. Access to the vertical dimension or depth is only accessible through the portal of the present moment. The ultimate purpose of human existence is to bring the power of this deeper awareness, available in the present moment, into this world. Then consciousness can flow into everything that we do. The future depends on the state of our consciousness right now.
- Savitri
“How we view NOW. That is the secret. What are your present actions? How are your actions? I want to know the way you are living now” - Ajja
Life is a Game
“Life is a song - sing it.
Life is a game - play it.
Life is a challenge - meet it.
Life is a dream - realize it.
Life is a sacrifice - offer it.
Life is love - enjoy it.”
― Sathya Sai Baba
This game of life brings with it beauty and horror, laughter and tears, stillness and disturbance, darkness and light. These opposites are inextricably woven into life. It is how we meet the challenge of this duality that is critical to our remaining in that place where the opposites merge into the stillness of the heart. Being in the now is not just a matter of bringing attention and awareness into the present moment but seeing everything unfolding in that moment. It is the place where there is no duality, for duality is a function of time, and time does not exist in the complete stillness of the heart.
There are moments in life where everything just is. It may be looking at a beautiful scene in nature, performing an absorbing task or in the depths of meditation. It is as if all the universe has come to a halt within the space of our own being. In those moments we realise that we are not the one that we have manufactured ourselves to be (in the mind) but something much more, profoundly existing, but without projection. The dream of life fades into the play of life. As Sai says, “life is a dream realise it, life is a game, play it.” Often, when we have those experiences, we strive to make them happen again and again. Our striving for that is futile, as the experience is outside of time, whereas striving exists within time.
Before creation the One existed alone. Then creation began. At the first, there was time, the Mother of all this manifestation. It is this dimension of time that preceded the emergence of the three dimensions of space. For all motion in space to occur (and the universe is in constant motion) the element or dimension of time is required. Therefore, time must have had to exist before the so called ‘big bang’, or movement could not have arisen. Time captures creation, and we exist in a net of time. Time is our master if we take the universe to be absolutely real. However, if we come to a place where time does not exist (the now) we are no longer imprisoned, but free of the constraints of the mind, the creator of all this that we observe.
To live in the now, is to live free of constraint, free of the entanglement of mind. It is a state that exists outside of mind, outside of the desire that traps the mind. How can we be that (for it is a state of being only) within daily life that is so busy, so demanding and so full of expectation? The answer is that we are always that. Letting go the past and the future and being in the now cannot be forced and it cannot be attained. It happens naturally when we come into the space of the heart, into the silence that is empty, yet full.
The Shanti mantra from the Brihdaranyaka Upanishad lays out the paradox of time, space and the oneness that is both imminent in, and transcendent from, time and space.
The mantra states,
This is fullness, That is fullness (there is only fullness whether manifest or unmanifest)
Fullness arises from fullness
If fullness is taken from fullness only fullness remains
Om Peace, Peace, Peace
We are in time and embody the fullness of manifestation, but we are also outside of time and are the fullness of the One. That Oneness is found in creation. That Oneness is also found beyond creation. In the timeless moment of the Now we are both here (imminent) and beyond (transcendent). The key is, and has always been, Love, for Love is the only omnipresence. When we live in the Now, we live in Love. That is why Sathya Sai gives us the simple, yet profound message, “Life is Love, share it.”
- Satyavan
The Unfolding Moment
We recently travelled in India and learnt the only way to survive is to surrender to the present moment. What unfolds moment to moment is always so much more than we could have imagined. Grace manifests and our hearts become full to overflowing no matter the inconveniences.
The best resolution we can make for the New Year is to commit to the now. A life filled with greatness, a life filled with the quality of the immense light and brilliance of the eternal now.
It is great moments that make a great life
This moment is here for us to take the steps we have been waiting for. All the future comes to us here and now. We need to wake-up and let go of that which is no longer serving us so we may become the being we have always wanted.
Not in the future but right here - Right now!
Everything begins now with wherever we are at. This is the most powerful moment that exists in time. We always have the option to change now. We always have the possibility open to us to wake-up now, for it is now that everything begins, not in the past.
Time invites us to use it to grow, to sing, to dance to be how we always wanted to be. We can experience life as burdened by the past or as a great dance. This dance can only happen now, not somewhere in the distant future or past.
This is important to realise as the present moment offers an incredible opportunity. We are not victims, the effect of a past, but we are the cause, and the power lies in our own being in this present moment to make the shift we have been longing for.
Now is the time to let go everything that is no longer serving us. Real change that is impactful must happen now. We can only grow now. Everything else is a thought.
So, all we really have to take care of is now, and being the best we can be here and now.
- Savitri
Unsung heroes. Lyn Kriegler and Tom Elliot from Karekare
by Glenda Northey
In the midst of the serene grounds of the Sacred Earth Retreat on Farm Road, resides the cozy abode of Lyn and Tom, two passionate artists. Step inside, and you'll find yourself surrounded by a mesmerizing collection of paintings and ongoing creative projects. Bursting with vibrant colors and floral motifs, their home exudes a warm and inviting atmosphere, reflecting the kind and loving nature of its inhabitants.
For over 35 years, Lyn and Tom have been dedicated followers of the teachings of Sathya Sai Baba, whose philosophy emphasizes love, service, and non-violence. This guiding principle shapes their daily lives, inspiring them to extend a helping hand to those in need.
Their journey in Karekare began in 1987 when they resided in the historic Fairley Homestead, also known as Winchester House, alongside the esteemed author Dorothy Butler. During this time, Lyn collaborated with Dorothy on three book projects, igniting her passion for illustration. Since then, Lyn has lent her artistic talents to the creation of over 157 books, leaving a lasting legacy for children throughout New Zealand.
Lyn has now illustrated and participated in the publication of over 157 books. An amazing legacy to have for New Zealand children. Her skills as an artist began with an advertising firm founded by Bob Harvey. But Dorothy recognised Lyn’s talent for illustrating kid’s books and this became her main meal ticket. She joined the NZ writers in school programme by Creative NZ and travelled to all kinds of schools around the country telling stories and using her puppets.
This work she says gave her incredible joy as she worked alongside children of all ages. Recently she joined the Ranui school camp with storytelling.
Driven by a desire to serve others, Lyn and Tom have dedicated countless hours to volunteer work, both locally and abroad. From teaching street children in India to advocating for women's health and combating elder abuse, their compassion knows no bounds.
Lyn has done many years volunteer work in India, mainly teaching street kids with Tom in Puttaparthi. They also volunteered helping better the lot of women’s health and against Elder Abuse in India. Tom, a talented photographer, made a documentary Khushi about Elder Abuse with Lyn. Produced in NZ in 2013 it features South Asian elders living with elder abuse in the Auckland region.
Closer to home, Lyn and Tom have been instrumental in supporting their community during times of crisis. Whether it's providing free art workshops, puppet shows, or preparing meals for those facing food insecurity, their generosity shines through. During the aftermath of a cyclone, they rallied alongside fellow Karekare residents to nourish road workers and offer solace to displaced security guards.
During the cyclone their cooking skills came to the fore as they were rostered with other Karekare families to provide food/lunches to the road workers from east Auckland who came out to help clear LKR. Lyn said her double decker meat sandwiches were a hit with the workers.
When the cordons appeared Lyn made lunches for the poor Indian security guards who were dumped out at Piha daily with no shelter, chairs, toilets or access to food. Her 30 trips volunteering at the ashram in India held her in good stead for cooking vegetarian meals in bulk. These meals were then ferried up the cutting by Ted Scott on his quad bike.
Currently, Lyn is working on a heartfelt project, crafting thank-you angels from reclaimed wood for those who selflessly aided others during the cyclone's aftermath, a testament to her enduring spirit of gratitude.
Through their unwavering generosity and commitment to service, Lyn and Tom have become integral members of the Karekare community, embodying the true essence of compassion and kindness.
- Glenda Northey.
Editor’s Note
I have known Lynn and Tom for many years. During that time, I have always been astonished at their capacity to give, not so much worrying about their own needs, but always thinking of others’ needs. This couple are gems in the community of Sacred Earth. We love you Lynn and Tom. May Swami Bless you with His Love.