Our newsletters are a great way to keep updated on Sacred Earth community events, and stay inspired thoughtful stories and images of our surrounding environment.
Transcending Desire
“That which is seemingly many; that which postulates separateness; that One is One alone. Even maya, the dream, emerges from unity. Do not be beguiled by this illusion of separateness, which gives rise to desire and attachment. For the reality is not this. When you open the eyes of the heart, all is experienced as love. Why? Because the nature of this creation is love. When you realise you too are the same love, then nothing can sway you into thinking that you are separate from love.” Sri Sathya Sai Baba – inner message
Mental and Emotional Self-Mastery
Who is the Master? You think you have mastery over the mind, but the mind is a trickster. If you focus only on the mind you will come unstuck. When you go beyond the mind – to the heart, you find that the mind has no choice but to follow you into the silence. Thought cannot erase thought. But, within the silence, Truth is revealed.
Ganga – The Flow of Grace
The river frisks and sings as she rushes on her journey. She carries with her the wishes and prayers of thousands who visit her daily, drinking from her, dipping in her purifying waters, and setting alight tiny lamps of ghee and faith.
Nature is the Greatest Teacher
My most powerful experiences of reality have been revealed through the grace of nature. I have learnt that the moment we move deeply into awareness of the stillness and peace available in nature, it becomes our teacher.