Tom Elliot
I was for some years blessed to be a volunteer teacher at the Children’s Project Trust, established just outside Sathya Sai Baba’s ashram in Puttaparthi, South India. This humanitarian project, much blessed by Swami, rescued very young street children who were abandoned or enslaved. The project provided them with a safe home school environment, surrounded with loving guardians and devoted teachers.
The children’s eyes would light up when they learnt something new. This has meant more to me than anything else I’ve experienced in Life. That brightness, that light from within, is also evident in adults when they hear about Sathya Sai, His teachings and above all, His Love. The light in the eyes is a reflection of the light in their spiritual heart; that which Sathya Sai has described as the only point of positive energy in the physical frame. It is known by many names: immortal soul, spirit, wairua, atma, consciousness, awareness. It is all the same energy, the same Light in every heart.
The community of Sacred Earth has announced in its mission statement that it is founded upon His teachings . This pure light is what binds us all into one family. Sai calls this “the Brotherhood of Man and the Fatherhood of God”. When that light grows brighter, the person longs to serve, becoming a beacon of light for others. For me, there has been no greater Teacher than this Divine Incarnation. My life is devoted to clarifying His teachings, eradicating misunderstandings so often found in the study/practices of Eastern wisdom. Please join me in a joyful celebration of His wisdom and His love.